Georgie St-Claire

Georgie St-Claire

Georgie St-Claire was born in Yorkshire. At age three she contracted meningitis and lost a large portion of her hearing. Her earliest memories include loving being alone, getting into trouble for not hearing teachers’ instructions, and relishing quiet reading time.

Georgie wrote her first story at age six. She found it clearing out her parents’ house. She clearly had no understanding of punctuation; every sentence ran into the next with ‘and then’ for a whole page of A4. 

She loves reading, weird films, dark folklore and myths but refuses to watch horror films about how bad humans can treat other human beings.

Her schooling was in Doncaster, before attending Coventry University. Georgie is intrigued by different magical practises, psychology, social anthropology and pre-history. She loves art, especially abstract cityscapes.

She spent a few years as a volunteer reading mentor in a primary school supporting children to read in her spare time and is currently a secondary school governor, vice chair (chair’s nomination choice and not a comfortable place to be with hearing issues), Safeguarding and Careers Lead governor. She has two perfectly hearing secondary school aged children and is trying to learn BSL.

Georgie can be found on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. She runs ‘Teaser Tuesdays’ releasing short extracts, ‘Research Thursdays’ sharing notes and research, and ‘Scenic Sundays’ to build a picture of Yorkshire.