Meet the authors
Paul Phipps-Williams
- The closest thing to Terry Pratchett since his hat
- Modern British comic horror genius
- Lives on a roundabout
- Inventor of ‘Biker Noir’
- Heavy Duty TV adaption in progress
- Lives up a mountain
ray leigh
- Born in London and grew up in south Essex
- By age 20 he was back, living in Camden Town with someone somewhere playing reggae
- Now lives in a borough marked by street corner shrines to the victims of gangland assassinations
Jane Badrock
- Obsessed with horror from an early age thanks to her grandmother
- Believes women can be just as horrible as men
- Lives in a nice flat field
Andy Darby
- Son of a WW2 Commando
- He still secretly thinks he could be a big wave surfer regardless of what reality tells him.
- Andy lives on the north coast of Cornwall with his artist wife, teenage daughter, cat, two ponies, and constantly growing library.
Shaun Hand
- Pub expert
- Plays Bigfoot’s theme tune
- Writer of Best Book to Buy a Jam Fan 2016
- Lives in Wolverhampton with his wife, daughter, cat, and record collection
M J Greenwood
- Born and brought up opposite Liverpool FC training ground.
- She has no idea about the offside rule.
- She lives with her husband – a professional ghostwriter, their teenage daughter, an ancient cat and gentle whippet.
The Reckless Pen
- Pub expert
j m briscoe
- Long listed for the Bridport Prize
- Lives in the Thames Valley
- Bakes a mean birthday cake
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