Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the bookstore...

Welcome to BAD PRESS iNK, a publishing house whose reputation will be built upon the foundation of the quality books we publish.
But, we are a bit different.
First of all, you have not stumbled across yet another vanity publisher that charges the eager and desperate a shit-load of ca$h to release any old tosh that lands in their inbox. We have very high standards.
So, what makes us different?
This: we aren’t the least bit interested in the kind of commercial, saccharin-ladened BS released by the mainstream publishing houses. Alt-books, if you will. Are you the next Barbara Cartland? Boy, are you in the wrong place!
BAD PRESS iNK was founded by a couple of bikers (one of whom is a successful author in his own right) with huge business brains, and a couple of ex-rock stars (one of whom was a successful author in his own right) with not-quite-so huge business brains, but a wealth of knowledge when it comes to brand building and marketing. Sadly rock star Zion died from a reaction to the Covid vaccine and Vikki is no longer involved day to day so Iain and Pat run the imprint now.
A dream team? It’s what nightmares are made of.
This website will expand, as we do. If you are a reader of books, make sure you join our mailing list. If you are a prospective author, hit that Submissions button below. Be warned, our criteria are strict but, if we take you on board you will have joined a company hell-bent on creating popular authors within our niche market place. A special place to be.
Iain & Pat (& Vikki and the late great Zion)
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Read the latest bad press news

Launching in September for Deaf Awareness month – In Silence and Shadows
A new voice in fiction from deaf author Georgie St-Claire. Travel to the gentle rolling green hills of Yorkshire where the White Rose Witches are

The final twist
I am the voice in your head coming to twist the knife in the darkness. You took everything from me. I will take it back.

Future Imperfect – read it before it’s real
IT’S A CHANGED WORLD, and the River Rhone has flooded the town of Arles in France. Helen and Isha leave

New Year? New book/series! The 99p/99c e-book sale
As there are New Year Sales everywhere we thought at BAD PRESS iNK Towers that we’d join in to help you sample the range of

A Double Header and NFT Experiment
In celebration of the second installments of two of our authors’ series we’ve launched two books with a bang on 5th November. PART TWO OF

Summer BAD ASS Women’s Books
If you’re looking for some BAD ASS Women’s books then BAD PRESS iNK is the place for you! Ex-Irish army soldier Lyndsey Ryan’s battles people